πŸŽ„ December Market Update

"There are three stages of man:
he believes in Santa Claus;
he does not believe in Santa Claus;
he is Santa Claus"

β€” Bob Phillips

Stats Center! πŸ“ˆ

Looking Back at November 2024

Headline: Home buyer demand continues to strengthen in November

Sub-Head: Prices are flat

The benchmark price for a property in Metro Vancouver is currently $1,172,100

(October: $1,172,200 / September: $1,179,700 /August: $1,195,900 /
July: $1,197,700 / June: $1,207,100 / May: $1,212,000 / April: $1,205,800)

This represents a 0.008% decrease compared to October 2024

and a 0.9% decrease over November 2023.

Mortgage Rates πŸ’°

Key interest rate now sits at 3.75%.
One more meeting left this year on December 11th.

From everything I’ve read: a .25% drop is confirmed,
a .5% rate drop is possible.

What did I do last month?

Made This! NOG

Yes - yes…I posted this album last December. But it’s so good I need to spread the news once more!

Plus if you are like me and already burnt out from standard Christmas music this is a lovely reprieve.

This is the perfect album for all your holiday gatherings OR the great background music to put you in a great mood.

Didn’t Mail This: Where’s my Christmas Card BEN!?!?!

I’ve had these Christmas cards in my possession for weeks. I was going to have an aged egg nog, put on Kelly Finnigan’s A Joyful Sound and hammer theses out but alas Canada Post and their union have kiboshed that.

So I’ll sent out a digital card in the coming weeks but you can’t hang that above your mantel.

The Gift of Giving Back

Some Funny Things Before You Go

Curious what I’m up to? Voyeurism via Social Media is the key!

Wasn’t that a great read?
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Cheers! – Ben


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